Thursday, April 5, 2007

Backlog One

Why a shooter you ask? And why be so ambitious? Great questions, lets answer them.

Well, the shooter was actually (like alot of the other projects) inspired by the simpler games we used to play in arcades and on old Nintendo's at home, simple and fun. But a shooter would be something that would involve alot of moving parts, allow players to show off some gaming skills and yet still be within the realm of what we could do with javascript. Also, its horribly hard to make a story for a puzzle game without being totally off the wall. So a sci fi setting naturally let me be a little more creative (to the limited extend i took the story to). Also, once having talked it over with Nate and assured him we could actually get user input (keystrokes) and move the units and enemies around he agreed we should jump on the idea.
Something Ive always liked to do, and Nate as well from what he had told me about previous games he had made, is to take the simple controls given by the code and push them into doing things which aren't immediately accessible to the programmers. So this was based on the knowledge that we could move objects around the screen independent of user actions, as well as being able to respond to commands from the user. Im really glad the game was able to fulfill almost every single objective we had started the project with. We have enemies, their lazers, our ship can fire, our ship can move, and we've also got collision detection for all of these.

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